Chevy Repair and Service
Express Transmissions has one of the most trusted Chevy repair service centers in Stockton. We staff our Chevy department with the best technicians we can find in the Stockton area, and we give them the training, skills and tools they need to get any repair job done. There is no cutting corners with a high quality Chevy repair job, and we don’t ever believe in taking risks with your safety or with the reliability of your car.
The Chevy repair technicians we hire here at Express Transmissions are those same guys you saw out working on their cars in their driveways with nothing but a socket wrench and their knowledge of Chevrolets. We’ve hired these people, given them even more training, and also trained them on our state of the art computer diagnostic equipment. A lot has changed for them from their Stockton driveway to our high tech shop! One of the only things that hasn’t? The awful 80’s music they sometimes force us to listen to in our repair shop!
Bad music aside, the technicians at Express Transmissions are exactly team that you want doing your Chevy repair work. They’re ready to treat your car as an individual job, they don’t just go and do what they’ve done before and assume it will work. Experience is a great tool, hard work and thoroughness is quite another!
The best Chevy repair jobs get done by teams that pay attention to every detail - Express Transmissions has been well know over our many years in business to pay attention. Call us up at our Stockton shop whenever you have Chevy repair, service, or maintenance needs.